By Sheldon Johnson
Blue skies, Green pastures
Black clouds, Beige grams.
Yellow daffodils blossom from
Purple rains and the sweat of
Melinated hues.
Ebony stones and
A Whitewashed face.
Clear tears of Jade envy
From Blackmailed hate.
Dark-hearted from Chalky outlines
Souls lost in an
Interstellar Milky way.
Ten million found unity in Red clay . . .
Sand blasted Pyramids confirm
They have forever been led astray.
Black Cat bad luck?
Why not Black streaks on a Brindled dog?
A stampede of consumers
On a Black Friday.
A Translucent temper followed by
A Black whimper in Ferguson.
A glorious portrayal of serenity . . .
Speckled by Coal emissions.
Snow White lies drift like Manna
From a Silvery sky.
But with hair like wool
And Copper skin
Was Jesus just another European guy?
Was it Black magic
That led the way for Harriet’s escape?
Was it a great White hope
That introduced the Natives
To small pox. Azure waters
And Mahogany docks?
Olive leaves in Hazel trunks!
Permanent White stains
On Slate Gray dumps.
The Black HOOD-IE . . .
That left Trayvon slumped
Amongst RAINBOW skittles.
How ‘bout
The Chrome guns and Black talons
From “Car 51”
That left Sean Bell’s widow
In an Inky suit.
Instead of a matrimonial White one.
Diverse hues of Faun and Camel,
Caramel and Chestnut
Camouflage Iraqi soldiers
While dust filled tears streak
The Cocoa faces of Iraqi mothers
Black love once superseded all others
Now, it’s Black on Black crime
Batson juries
Federal grants and the clangin’
Of Blue steel gates.
Green uniforms that radiate
Ice Blue hats.
Sapphires and Emeralds for the
Price of Crimson blood!
While one White Hope diamond
Brought clarity
To Sierra Leone’s abysmal disparity.
Cinnamon freckles
On a Frosty judge
In a Jet Black robe
Left a “Man Child”
In a promised land: BROKEN
Alone, with an Electric White temper
Contemplating the square inches
Of a DOCCS cell forever!